We all know that the world economy is growing weaker and acute financial distress is lurking right around the corner. You can learn to cope with such situations by cultivating an optimistic mindset!
Although it may sound counter intuitive, companies that invest in employee development during such tough times reap dividends when the economy becomes better.
Here’s a 4-step formula that’ll help you become more positive in most adverse situations:
Step 1: Write Down Your Worst Fear
E.g. Losing your job
In most cases, you don’t know your worst fear because your brain chooses to avoid thinking about it to minimize the pain. When you write down your worst fear, you acknowledge its possibility. This helps you to come up with plans to fight your fears!
Step 2: Question Your Beliefs
Eg: If you lose your job, you won’t be able to find another one
Your beliefs are connected to your fear which lead you to negativity. If youalter your beliefs, you’ll be able to change the negativity associated with it.
Step 3: Dispute These Beliefs
Eg: You’re an educated person and as long as you’re willing to work, you’ll be able to find a job
More often than not, these beliefs are just… beliefs! They might not even be valid. So it’s a good idea to think of reasons to dispute them.
Step 4: Prepare Your Action Plan
Eg : You can learn a few skills to be relevant in the market or use this chance to pursue your dreams!
Once you realise that your belief isn’t true, find out what can be done to bring the change. Ask yourself, “What can I do to alter this scenario?”
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